
Season 2022-2023

August 30, 2022

It is again the start to a new production season at the facility with work being conducted in the lab over the past few months now making its way into the polyhouse. Tissue cultures are being planted out to harden off in readiness for transplanting to the larger production pots in the nursery proper. The relatively cloudy days do slow progress however we have some tricks up our sleeve to keep these plants moving along and the production process as scheduled. This work will keep the staff busy through to the end of March next year when the final cultures are released from the laboratory, these final plants will reach their maturity and be ready for harvest by the end of June 2023

It has been a big start to the year with orders now closed off. The growing program is full which is pleasing to see and the task at hand is to produce tubers that meet the expectations of our clients, a challenge the team at Solan seek to achieve every season.

Water Filtration System

We have had a significant project underway in the past 6 weeks that is almost operational. The cooler months, our ideal time for installing facility upgrades is the time of year we can dedicate staff to implementing improvements and this winter it has seen local suppliers and Solan staff installing an upgraded water filtration system. Whilst our water was treated for use in production, the new system will deliver drinking quality water from irrigation water, pumped from the Murray River.

The current state of increased flows through the Murray Darling System means the water is extremely turbid, however the filtration system installed incorporates prefilter systems and ultra filtration membranes that will provide the facility with a very high standard of water quality for plant production, laboratory use and general cleaning. Rainwater has been a valued resource over the years however has its limits which the new unit will overcome.

Site Power Upgrade

The supply of electricity to Solan is undergoing a significant upgrade which our local electrician in conjunction with SA Power Networks have been partnering on over recent months with this due to be completed mid September. Solan’s generator provides power backup in the event the electrical supply is interrupted, however there has been a growing need for more power to be delivered at the site. This will reduce the power interruptions, predominately in summer when electrical requirements are at their peak.

Facility Re-Development

Solan have embarked on a facility upgrade and is currently working through a Development Application with Plan SA to expand the mini tuber counting room, the tissue culture laboratory, lunch room and office space. The improvements here will enhance the traffic movement throughout the facility, improving security against pest and disease incursion as well as allow for improved work spaces for staff. This project will be staged over a number of years.

Technical page on the process of initial stock production

There will be a technical page added to our website in due course that explains what is involved in the production of initial stocks . Once this is complete we will advise clients of the update, it is aimed at providing an understanding of the intricacies of initial potato stock production.